Develop Your Performance

Mindset Today!

Book Your First Session!

Our sport performance counseling allows you to overcome fear, doubt, and

anxiety so you can perform at your highest levels on the field, in the classroom, and in life!!

Sport Counseling Services

Individual, small group, and team counseling services for Frederick, MD and surrounding areas

Overcome Setbacks

Learn to create a purposeful response to mistakes, loses & setbacks so you can stay focused on your goal. Unlock the power of optimism, resilience, and grit!

soccer goalkeeper making a save

Manage Anxiety

Understand what anxiety really is, why you feel it, and how you can manage anxiety and use it in order to thrive in high stress environments!

Injury Recovery

Injury recovery is more than physical rehabilitation. Learn the mental skills necessary to deal with the injury, stay motivated through rehab, and return to the field!

Athletic Counseling Injury Recovery

Build Confidence and Motivation

Play well in practice but not in games? Have the ability but freeze in the moment? We help athletes build their confident voice to play with conviction and belief!

Preparation and Reflection

High-performing athletes create environments that allow them to thrive. Learn how to build your pre-game mentality and to reflect with a purpose after the game!

Team Building and Culture

The highest performing teams are purposeful about their culture, communication, and goals. We offer presentations, practice and game observations, and assessment tools to help teams thrive!

Sport Counseling Products

Perform with Purpose

Mental Skills Workbook for Athletes

The Perform with Purpose Workbook provides athletes with an introduction to mental performance terms and strategies, reflection pages for personal and performance growth, as well as worksheets to apply each topic as they learn it!  Learn more….

DISC Profile Assessment

For athletes, coaches, and administrators

Mental Athletic Counseling DISC Assessmenr

We have partnered with Athletic Assessments to provide our athletes, coaches, and club administrators with the most in-depth behavioral analysis tool out there. Through this tool we delve into motivation, communication styles, potential team conflicts, and more! Contact Us to order your assessment today!

Perform with Purpose – Course

Online, self-paced course introducing sport performance counseling topics

Coach with his athletes

Perform with Purpose introduces athletes, coaches, and parents to 21 mental performance topics; providing athletes with terms, concepts, videos, and worksheets for individual application.  Check out our courses here!

Discover how to Perform with Purpose!

Reach new heights at MBS Performance Counseling!

“Performance” refers to the fact that your life centers around process, reactions, and responses. Taking action is required to excel in your academics, relationships, and athletics. With that in mind, we focus on purposeful and healthy responses in overcoming setbacks, embracing challenges, and utilizing skills, such as optimism, resilience, and grit to promote positive performance.

Our counseling services in Frederick, MD, are designed specifically to build healthy, resilient mindsets so you can perform at your optimal level in the classroom/work, in your sport, and in life.

Whether you are dealing with anxiety, low motivation, emotional control, defining priorities or dealing with conflict, MBS Performance Counseling aims to help you manage your mindset and maximize your overall performance. Through our approach, we challenge you to embrace the journey of individual growth!

We utilize a unique blend of therapeutic approaches and mental performance coaching in order to empower individuals with important skills to manage their mental health. You will learn to utilize optimism, define your purpose, understand your personal snags so you can perform at your highest levels.

Discover the “Performance” approach and become empowered in your life. Together we will feed the positive aspects of the mind, body, and spirit to promote healthy decisions and increase overall life satisfaction.

Follow our blog for more insight into our approach.

  • Unlock your true potential

    Achieve your best self by striving for the ideal instead of “good enough.” Discover how to THIRVE!

  • Manage fear and anxiety

    Learn how to become aware of, and respond to, your fears and anxieties that hold you back in your performance.

  • Embrace optimistic outlooks

    Learn to see setbacks as temporary and embrace a growth mindset in all aspects of your life. Overcome adversity while seeking out positive challenges!

  • Create purposeful mindsets and emotions

    Understand how you can purposefully create the mindset and emotions that lead to your top performances more consistently!

Group of athletes celebrating




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The Power of Optimism

Learning the power of optimism is the core foundation of our philosophy at MBS Performance Counseling. Learning to adopt a mindset of hope is the first step to believing your actions matter. Once you decide you have the ability to affect change in your life through purposeful action, you then are able to define your own success! Being optimistic allows you to overcome setbacks and build the future you desire. Contact us today to start on the path to self-discovery through an optimistic mindset!

Embracing Gratitude

Gratitude reminds us that our own success is often due to the investment of others in our lives. Recognizing those individuals as well as the circumstances in your life help build your appreciation for what you have. Embracing gratitude also reminds you to see the positive aspects of your life. Sharing your gratitude with those you appreciate helps raise the happiness levels of those around you as well as your own well-being.